Hangout Hosting Interest Form

Work Entry

Thank you for your interest in being a Mosaic Hangouts Host! Please read a little more about our mission, then complete the form.

Recently, we introduced a new way for people to go from NEW to CREW at Mosaic called Hangouts - stand-alone "events" throughout the year where people from different stages, locations, and interests can attend, have a good time, and meet some poeple like them here at Mosaic. Where it's throwing axes, doing trivia, camping in the wild, or attending an O's game, we're convinced providing opporutnities for people to hang out together will ultimately lead people finding people they can do life with here at Mosaic.

Want to be a host? All you have to do is pick something you love doing and create space for others to do it with you. Check out the form below if you're interested! Once you fill out the form, we will be in contact with you to confirm you Hanogut details and support you next steps of planning and preparation.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Tori Malone, Hangouts Coordinator, at